Summer Camp at H. Roe Bartle
Troop 220 has a long and proud Summer Camp tradition at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation near Osceola, MO. The troop returns year after year for an experience that is proven to have a positive and long-lasting impact on the lives of Scouts and Scouters alike.
For most scouts in the troop, Summer Camp at the Bartle Scout Reservation is the highlight of their year – the opportunities to learn new skills, explore the camp, and strengthen the bonds of Scouting are but a few of the reasons our girls keep coming back.
We are blessed to have a large group of adult leaders who take time out of their busy schedules each year and lend their assistance to ensure a quality and rewarding camping experience for the girls in the troop.
If you’re a parent who would like to be involved in our Summer Camp experience, we invite you to join the troop as Scouter. We’d love to have you with us at camp, full-time or part-time, and we promise you’ll have an experience that’s worth every minute of your time!
Session: 2
Camp: Piercing Arrow
Campsite: Long
Campsite Scoutmaster: Tabi Beck
Assistant Scoutmaster: Thomas Demarco
Camp Schedule
Each day at camp varies, but you can view a typical day's schedule below to get an idea of what Scouts will experience at camp.
7:00am - Reveille
7:10am - Breakfast KP Call
7:15am - To the Colors – Flag is Raised
7:30am - Breakfast
8:30am - Merit Badges
9:30am - Merit Badges / First Year Program
10:30am - Free Time / Troop Swim / Lunch Outpost Programs
11:40am - K.P. Call
Noon - Lunch
Post-Lunch - Free Time
2:00pm - Merit Badges
3:00pm - Merit Badges
4:00pm - Free Time / Troop Swim / Dinner Outpost Programs
5:00pm - Adult Swim
5:40pm - K.P. Call
5:45pm - Retreat (Lower the Colors)
6:00pm - Evening Meal
Post-Dinner - Troop Activities or Free Time
8:00pm - Evening Programs (Troop, Camp, Mic-O-Say, etc)
9:45pm - Call to Quarters (All Scouts in Campsite getting into their tents)
10:00pm - Taps. LIGHTS OUT, ALL SCOUTS in their tents going to sleep
Camp Fees
The fee for Scouts and Scouters is $475. Part-Time Scouters are $70 per day if paid by 31 March; $75 per day after 31 March.
Payment Schedule
- Deposit: $75 is to be paid by November 14
- First Payment: $100 for each Scout, Full and Part-Time adults due by January 9
- Second Payment: $100 for each Scout, Full and Part-Time adults by February 6
- Third Payment: $100 for each Scout and Full-time Adult (Part-time adults need to check with Lizzy for the balance due based on # days at $70/$75 per day) due by March 13th
- Final Payment: $100 Final payment for Scouts and Full-time Adults (Part-time Adults need to check with Lizzy for the balance based on # days attending at $70 per day) due by April 10.
Camp Physicals
Camp physicals must be completed by April 1! Please schedule an appointment with your family doctor now!
Every Scout and Scouter attending summer camp is required to have a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record, signed by a physician. This form needs to be filled out and turned in each year. Please see the link above to download the Annual Health Form.
You should fill out Part A and Part B, sign Part B and include a copy of your current medical insurance card (both sides). Your doctor will fill out Part C and sign it. If you plan on going on a High Adventure, then you will need Part D filled out as well, but this is not needed for camp.
Note: Low-cost physicals may also be available at area CVS and Walgreen’s locations.

Letters From Home
Scouts absolutely love to receive letters and care packages from home! Many scouts receive mail while at camp and we have a daily mail call. Let your Scout know that you care by sending some mail a day or so before camp so it will be waiting for them when they arrive. Don’t mail anything on or after the 7th day, as it likely won’t arrive before we leave camp.
IMPORTANT: Some Scouts experience homesickness. When writing your letters to your Scouts, do not write about how much you or your family misses your Scout as this has a tendency to increase the homesickness. It is best to wish them a good time and tell them that you are looking forward to seeing them upon their return.
If you are sending snacks, it is best to avoid sending things that will melt in the hot sun!
Amazon Delivers to Camp
Did you know that Amazon delivers to camp? It can take an additional day beyond the expected delivery date so please plan accordingly.
All letters and packages for your Scouts must have the following information
Scout Name, Troop 220
Camp [campname e.g. Piercing Arrow], Campsite [campsite name e.g. Long]
Bartle Scout Reservation
5525 NE Scout Camp Road
Osceola, MO 64776-9000
Camp Phone: (417) 646-8115 – To be used for emergencies only; this is the phone at the camp headquarters.
We will provide alternate contact numbers for the Campsite Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and main troop leadership via the Troop 220 email list. Please do NOT call your Scouts while they are at camp. Although we discourage Scouts from bringing phones to camp, we know that some will bring them regardless. Calling your Scouts while they are at camp can create homesickness.
Visitor's Day
Visitor’s Day occurs on Sunday during the session. Parents, relatives, and friends are invited to see the H. Roe Bartle Summer Camp in action!
Visitor’s Day is an ideal time for parents to see their Scout, their unit and campsite, and the program facilities at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. The few hours that are set aside for Visitor's Day is the only time visitors do not need to worry about the Visitor guidelines listed above.
What to bring on Visitor's Day
- Chairs
- Table (optional)
- Utensils, plates, and drinks for your family
- A meat dish and 2 sides in a quantity to feed your family plus 3 other people. (The leftovers will be our evening meal, so please package the items in a disposable, resealable container.)
- Comfortable shoes (no open toes!) as you will be doing a lot of walking on rocky ground.
- Camera to capture the sights of Camp Bartle!
Directions and Parking: Refer to the maps (in the resources section of this page) if you’re unfamiliar with how to get to Bartle Scout Reservation. Also, refer to the map of Camp Piercing Arrow and note the location of Campsite Long.
Once you arrive on the reservation, follow the signs to Camp Piercing Arrow Visitors generally can find parking along the circle drive that surrounds the Lone Star parade grounds.
Scouts will be available to help carry your stuff to the campsite. Please plan on arriving at camp at 10:00 am. That is when the staff will start allowing visitors to enter the campsites. If you are going to be late, it is best to contact our Campsite master to let them know. Scouts can tend to be anxious when other families start arriving and their family has not yet arrived.
All visitors must be gone by 4:00 pm. Visitors who are planning to stay after 4:00 pm must follow the standard Visitor's protocols listed above.
This is an important day for your scout, so please make every effort to attend!

Camp Boxes
All Scouts and Scouters attending camp will need a camp box. Your camp box is your “suitcase” for 10 days at camp – everything you need at camp should fit in the box and you’re expected to use it like a dresser at home to keep your tent organized and clean at camp. Plus, all boxes can be locked and you’ll definitely want to keep yours secured when you’re not around. A separate toiletry bag to carry back and forth to the showers is highly recommended.
Personal Gear
If you want it to come home from camp, put your daughter’s name and “Troop 220″ on it!
If it doesn’t have a proper label on it, it may not make the round trip. Label everything with a permanent marker: under the collar, around the waistband, inside the shoe/sock, etc. Also label things like flashlights, Merit Badge books, pocketknives, and other equipment.
Additionally, some parents pack a plastic bag in the camp box for each day's clothing which makes it easier for Scouts to quickly grab the next bag for the day since they have limited time to get ready in the morning.
The following is a recommended list of items/clothing when packing for scout camp.
- 10 sets of clothing (one for each day + a spare to change into if needed)
- Shirts should be scouting-appropriate; a t-shirt order is placed at Camp Night each year. Bartle does not allow sleeveless shirts for Scouts or Adults
- Field Uniform/Class A (worn while traveling to and from camp, Sunday church, Scoutmaster conferences, Boards of Review)
- Closed-toe shoes
Tent & Bedding:
- Sleeping Bag (lightweight)
- Pillow
- Bed Sheets
- Floor Mat/Rug
Shower & Pool:
- Soap & shampoo
- Towel or two, or three
- Swimsuits must be one piece or a tankini that covers your entire mid-drift section
- Swim googles (really helpful if you are taking the swim test)
- Open-toe shoes (SHOWER ONLY)
- Toothbrush & toothpaste, floss, and other dental necessities
[Recommended] Other:
- Rain Coat and/or Pants, or a Pancho
- Boots/extra shoes
- Notepad & writing utensils
- Fan (battery-powered)
- Flashlight
- GoldBond
- Sunscreen (no aerosols)
- Insect Repellent (no aerosols)
[Optional] Other:
- Bible, Tanakh, Quran, Vedas, etc (depending on one's faith)
- Cards (Magic: The Gathering, standard-52 deck, etc)
- Small board games (chess, checkers) - please note that gambling-type games are not allowed at camp (such as poker)
- Zip-lock bags for storage of items/dirty clothes
- Tribal Attire
- Braves: Brave to Warrior essentials
Only take what is needed. You get the camp box + a small bag on the side to store your gear.
- Parents are allowed to bring their cellular devices, but we ask that they be left on silent or buzz mode – Cellular service is poor, batteries won’t last long and charging stations are quite a hike. Be sure to label ALL electronic charging devices
Do not bring any of the following items to camp – they are not permitted, and will be confiscated if found and may result in the boy being asked to leave the scout reservation:
- Aerosol cans (insect repellant, sunscreen, etc). The aerosol propellant destroys the waterproofing on tents and is a fire hazard.
- Fireworks, lighters, incense, candles, or matches. These items obviously have no place in camp and will earn you a quick ticket home.