Community Service Opportunities
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Hope House
Lee's Summit Rotary

“A service project is a special Good Turn that puts Scout spirit into action”
The Boy Scout Handbook, 12th Edition, page 84
- Every member of Troop 220 is encouraged to earn community service hours for work completed outside of regular Troop activities which positively impacts our community.
- The hours may not be applied to any other service requirement they must meet for school, religious commitments, or other social groups.
- A Scout may not receive any monetary reimbursement for her time and efforts.
- The service should benefit a non-profit organization or group of people — other than your immediate family.
Troop Community Service Policy
Community Service hours are not interchangeable with Activity Requirements. An exception is made for Scouts working towards completion of Second Class 3a and First Class 3 activity requirements. In this case, only will the Scout be awarded both an Activity and Community Service credit when they participate in a Troop 220 Eagle Project, Highway Clean-up, or other Community Service Project approved by the Troop 220 Scoutmaster.
Rank Service Hour Policy
Service should benefit a non-profit. The service hours must be approved in advance by the Scoutmaster. Service hours for each rank must be completed while working on that rank. For example, if a Scout works 12 service hours while a Star rank, she cannot count any excess hours towards her Life rank.