Before Your Begin A Merit Badge
Merit badges are an important part of advancing to the rank of Eagle Scout. Of the 135 current badges offered, 21 are required in order to achieve Eagle Scout rank. There are 14 Eagle-specific merit badges that are required for all Scouts. The remaining merit badges can be of your choice.
More information about merit badges can be found on the BSA site.
Important: Before you begin working on a merit badge, you must first speak with the Troop Scoutmaster to review the merit badge you wish to take as well as your current status with any open merit badges.
Merit Badge Counselors
Merit Badge Counselors are the only people that can approve the completion of merit badge requirements, and only for the merit badges for which they are approved counselors. Parents cannot be merit badge counselors to their own children.
You can find a list of approved Merit Badge Counselors on Scoutbook.
- Log in to Scoutbook
- Click on My Dashboard
- Click on Troop 7220 B (Girls Troop 220)
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click on MB Counselor List (3rd from the bottom)
- From here, you can search for a Merit Badge Counselor near you. Please note: you are not required to use a Merit Badge Counselor within Troop 7220.

Earning Merit Badges
There are two structured opportunities for Scouts to participate in earning Eagle-required merit badges. We recommend attending the Merit Badge Academy sponsored by Three Trails District, and Bartle Summer Camp. Sign-ups for both opportunities are typically two months prior to each event.
Troop 220 currently uses the following schedule in order to help our Scouts easily manage earning their merit badges.
Year 1
Ranks To Target
Scout - Feb
Tenderfoot - June
2nd Class - Nov
Merit Badge Academy
Citizenship in the Nation
First Aid
plus any 1 non-Eagle
Bartle Scout Camp
Environmental Science
plus any 2 non-Eagle
Year 2
Ranks To Target
1st Class - Feb
Begin Star
Merit Badge Academy
Family Life*
plus any 2 non-Eagle
Bartle Scout Camp
plus any non-Eagle
Year 3
Ranks To Target
Earn Star by May
Merit Badge Academy
Select any 2 of the following
Citizenship in the World, Community, or Society,
Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Communications
plus any non-Eagle
Bartle Scout Camp
Any non-Eagle
Available Lake Front recommended
Available Shooting Sports recommended
Year 4
Ranks To Target
Earn Life by May
Merit Badge Academy
Select any 2 of the remaining
Citizenship in the World, Community, or Society,
Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Communications
plus any non-Eagle
Bartle Scout Camp
Any non-Eagle
Available Lake Front recommended
Available Shooting Sports recommended
Years 5-7
Ranks To Target
Earn Eagle before Age 18
Merit Badge Academy
Select any of the remaining
Citizenship in the World, Community, or Society,
Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Communications
plus any non-Eagle
Bartle Scout Camp
Elective Merit Badges
for Eagle or Eagle Palms
* These merit badges have 90-day requirements. Please plan accordingly.